Well, I made it back to The County after 92 days on the road. Art was happy to get the Rav back, Mum was happy to finally see me and I was happy to eat some Sam's pizza!! I thought I should wrap up this blog with a final post and provide you with some additional stats from the trip:
Final kms: 27,478
Average km/day: ~300 (equates to wearing the ass out of 2 pairs of jeans!)
# of games watched alone: 6 (out of 31)
# of days/nights alone: only 15 (out of 92)
# of home team wins: 16 (out of 31)
Gas station stops: ~70 (not including pee breaks!)
# of "Roll up the Rim" wins: Zero..Damn!
States visited: 35
Provinces visited: 6
Some might consider this a bit cheesy but I want to thank everyone for sharing this trip with me along the way. Here is a list of everyone that I stayed with or met me along the way:
Pyke, Sinead - Calgary
Donald, Jamie - Edmonton
Gary, Rhonda - Vancouver
Mark, Rachel - Portland
Trevor, Bronwyn - San Jose
Derek, Marie - Dallas
Jack, Isabel - Ruskin
Kendall, Arlene - Sarasota
Jon, Marla - Atlanta
Doug - Atlanta to Nashville
James - Atlanta to Carolina
Jason, Missy - Greensboro
Mark, Ed - Pittsburgh to Washington
Vicki - New Paltz, New Jersey, Buffalo
Laura, Heather - New York to New Jersy
Colin - New Jersey
The Cook's - Buffalo
The Weise's - Buffalo
Darryl, Allyson - Sarina
Donna, Pat - London
Steve, Kim - London
Joe, Joy - London
Dale, Chuck - Chicago
Dave, Holly - London
Archie, Hillary - Toronto
Johnny Mac - Toronto
Heather - Toronto
Emily, Sean - Ottawa
Uey, Annette - Napanee, Kingston
Spence - Kingston
Cad - Ottawa, Napanee, Kingston, Montreal, Halifax
Cad, Tash - Halifax
Thanks to everyone (family included) who found the blog entertaining enough to keep following and for your comments contributed along the trip.
Also, I need to thank all my friends in Australia for their support and assistance in getting me on my way - in particular - Brad, Jeff, Pat, Bari (thanks for the calls), Andrew (hope my stuff hasn't been put to the curb), Bennett, Rachel, Fairlie, The McLarens, Sonja, Nathan, Clara, The Innes family, and Therese for the phone calls which seemed to come when I needed them most.
Now, what crazy idea can I come up with next...stay tuned...