Had to put the first photo in of the guys standing by the truck staring at the ice they were supposed to be breaking up, but here is one that does them justice!
Well this was the first game that I had to sit through on my own and I'm glad no one else had to suffer with me. I shouldn't be that harsh but it was quieter than the Panthers game until the Columbus scored their first goal in the 2nd period. They get big crowds though so I'll assume if they were in a position to make the playoffs the fans would have been a lot more excitable (or if they were playing a closer rival). The end result was a win for the Blue Jackets 3 - 0, which as the title alludes, is the first shutout in 16 games.
As not much has been going on since I left Greensboro (beisdes enjoying the silence!!) but here is somthing terrifying that happened to me. I went for the traditional 1st intermission beer and was asked for id (not uncommon in the US). I presented my Australian driver's licence and was informed that unless I could produce an American or Canadian licence then I couldn't buy beer. So I asked, "Could I use my passport as proof of age?" and the dude says,"Nope, only Canadian or American driver's licenses are allowed." Whaaa??? Anyway, in the interest of not meeting my newly established goal to have a beer in every rink, I walked down to the next vendor, handed them my id, and got myself a beer. Phew...
Metting up with Mark and Ed in Pittsburgh tomottow so get ready for some good tales. Oh, check out Brad's comment on the "Half way there" post - pretty good for an Aussie!
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