Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Go Leafs Go...

Leading up to this game, a lot of people had been telling me that the atmosphere and crowd at the ACC (Air Canada Centre) sucked: "No cheering, sushi eating suits!" They couldn't have been more wrong. The Leafs scored 47sec into the game and poured it on for all 3 periods.

They made the Hurricanes look terrible, or maybe it was that the Hurricanes terrible play made the Leafs look fantastic?? My tickets were in the standing room which gave me a great view of the ice (and I got to sit (I mean stand) with the die hard fans as well. It was 6 - 1 in the end and the roar from the Leafs fans for every goal, every hit and every save was by far the most impressive I have seen and heard.

CN Tower:

As the Leafs are battling hard for a playoff spot, you could really say it was a playoff game so that might attribute to the atmosphere?? You can't get all positive comments from a Habs fan.

I drove up from London on the day of the game after spending 2 nights with Holly, Dave and Seth.

Dave, Seth and Holly:

Me and the little man:

Passed by Brantford (birthplace of the Great One):

I caught up with Ross (Archie) and Johnny Mac for "a couple of beers" before the game - just what I needed, more beer!

Ross, Me, John:

I stayed the night with Archie and his family in Toronto.

The Marshalls:

Before leaving town I was able to catch up with another good friend, Heather, for breakfast and then it was on the road to Ottawa. A lot of socialising but when I think of how long the gaps have been since catching up with friends, it's always worth every minute.

The game on Friday is a big one - Canadiens play the Senators. Go Habs Go!!!

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