So it's been awhile since I last sent out a post and I hopefully I don't bore you with all the details of the long drives that were endured between St. Louis to Miami. We watched the Panthers beat the heck out of the Capitals tonight. 6 - 3 was the final result and it wasn't much of a game. Maybe it was the lack lustre, silent crowd or the fact that it was 80 F outside the rink that made it feel so different than most of the other games we've seen. Got to see Ovechkin play for the first time - whoo hoo!!! Definitely the hottest game to date...people we going in wearing shorts and I bet they froze their "first time watching hockey" butts off.
We stayed in Ruskin, FL last night and drove to Miami today for the game. It seemed like we hadn't been out of the Rav for a week - I think by the time we got there we had covered over 2000km in 3 days...dang! We stayed with some friends from the County (again) - Jack and Isabel. Since we arrived at their place in the early afternoon we were treated to some guitar playing, a tour on Tampa Bay in their boat and Isabel cooked up some excellent moose meat for good is that!! First time I had tired moose and it was fantastic.
Let me fill you in on the events prior to arriving in Ruskin:
After the Blues game (Sunday), we managed to drive to Memphis and had a great feed of ribs at the Blues City CafĂ© on Beale St! Mmmmm…ribs. And as it was a Sunday night there was a surprisingly large amount of people out and about and live music at a few blues joints. We ate and then went straight back to the hotel to sleep, the excuse being a big day on Monday. There's always an excuse!
Monday morning we did a drive by, shot a couple photos of Sun Studios and then had a quick look at the Gibson guitar factory (urge to buy was massive but the buyer’s remorse would have been crippling).
Sun Studios:
Next stop was Graceland, couldn't visit Memphis and pass on that! We signed up (meaning we paid for learnin’!!) for the tour of the property and it was a good couple of hours of listening, reading about Elvis and his career and family and I was also lucky enough to experience what Art is like during one of these self guided tours. I reckon he would have been finished and back on the highway in 20 minutes had I obliged to his requests to hurry up!
Outside of Graceland:
Once that was over, it was a mad dash to put some miles behind us and we managed to drive to just outside of New Orleans. Mississippi (can you spell it backwards?) - what can I say, we took a side road (61) and it was a huge mistake – hint: don’t take this if you drive through Mississippi south.
The only highlight from a long day of driving:
There is still a lot of work to be done in New Orleans - we didn't get into the city but just driving along the interstate we saw areas where whole blocks of houses and complete shopping centres were boarded up and vacant. Not a pretty site. Since I have no photos you'll have to take my word for it.
Some of the pelicans where Jack puts his boat in:
I’m not sure if it’s the big gaps between games, the long drives, the staring contests that Art and I are having, the extreme lack of exercise or the beer and chips but something is severely impacting my creativity. Art suggested today that we rename the blog the C&T Road Show (C for Chubs and T for Tubs) - I wonder who's who??
We're heading back to Sarasota tomorrow and will hopefully enjoy a couple of quiet days before the Tampa game.
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