What a day and what a night! The hockey game was a beauty - Islander's won in overtime, beating the Flyers 6 - 5 after successfully blowing a 4 - 1 lead. Witnessed the first hatrick of the trip and saw 2 fantastic fights (back to back). The only downside would have been the first intermission entertainment, which consisted of figure skating. Let me just say, figure skating has no place as hockey intermission entertainment.
They also had a karaoke competition and I loved the fact that didn't show any Flyers highlights when they showed the 'game so far' highlights. A small home crowd was in attendance but they didn't stop jeering and cheering all night and I had a good laugh when they started to boo their team when the Flyers tied it up.
I guess I was just happy to be at the game. How's this for great planning:
I decided to walk to the rink tonight from the hotel and thought I had it all worked out, except, I ended up walking 45 minutes then stopping at a pharmacy only to be told I was about 2 miles in the wrong direction. I started out again but it was dark, the game started in 50 minutes and I was sweating so I stopped at a beauty salon and had someone call me a taxi. Bloody $20 cab ride (maybe 5 minutes in the cab) and I was at the rink. I was a bit disappointed in myself but felt much better when I started talking to the family (of 5) that was sitting beside me. They were Swedes who had decided to come to NYC and bought tickets specifically to see Forsberg...a week after they purchased everthing, Forsberg gets traded! I know how they feel, he got traded a few games before I was due to see the Flyers and I don't see the Predators again. Dang!
The RAV has been left behind for my 5 day tour of Long Island and NYC. Don't worry, it's safe - my friend Vicki, who lives northwest of NYC, put me up for a couple of days and was kind enough to watch over it until I get back there on Saturday.
I am now taking advantage of the public transport and had great fun with it today. An hour and a half train into Central Station, transfer to Penn Station, another hour on a train and then a cab ride all just to get to the hotel on Long Island!
Central Station (not a great photo, maybe next time):
I'm heading back into NYC tomorrow - 2 more friends, Heather and Laura, are flying in to meet me for a few days. Can't wait to wander the streets and take it all in.